
No Money Heads Up


The bank balance on my phone was tiny but simple. I listed five items in my book: rent, utilities, food, insurance, petrol. After adding up the totals, I smiled. There was still $8 left for savings. $8 that was all mine. No-one would come home with surprise accounts or bills to pay. No-one would drain it on a whim. If you don't have enough money to pay for three employees, there still might be a way to make it work. Here are some creative ways to compensate your employees during the startup stage: Hire stay. Subscribe To No Money Heads Up. Posts All Comments About Me. Iheardjoeblows The life of a Bowler View my complete profile. Thugs on parole. 2+2 Forums; HUSNG.COM; Blog Archive 2012 (7) May (1) Avenge me, Avengers. Find out the answers to these questions and much more in Heads Up Money. Using real-life scenarios, you will learn abou a variety of topics including supply and demand, free trade, globalization, and financial crises. Packed with colorful graphics and easy-to-follow text, this indispensable book will help you understand money and the role it. Head Up Reasons GIF by Graduation. This GIF by Graduation has everything: reasons, thankful, BROKE! Head up ghetto determination no money appreciative morray keep.

Are you considering moving to a new city with no money or job lined up?

If you want to pick up and move without a plan, you’re not alone…

For many young people, the idea of starting a new life in a different place is a romantic and exciting one.

In fact, my desire to move to a new city is what sparked the financial epiphany that motivated me to get my own personal finances in order and eventually start this blog.

I posted a question on the Personal Finance subreddit that was something along the lines of:

Is $2,000 enough to move to another state?

The Redditors replied with some helpful tactical advice – much of which will be covered in this post – and one user commented asked this question:

“How are you single, earning a comfortable salary, living in a modest apartment… and have zero savings? Several hundred dollars a month are going somewhere, do you know where?”

Up to this point, I hadn’t realized how big of a mess my personal finances were.

I had just graduated from college, yet I wasn’t managing my money like an adult.

Although I wasn’t struggling to pay my bills, I was spending lots of money on travel each month and my food budget was completely non-existent.

At this point, I realized that if I wanted to move to a new city – soon or in the future – I would need to get my personal finances in order.

If you want to know how to move with no money or job, you may be facing a similar realization.

In this post, you’ll learn exactly what it takes to make your big move and how to maximize your chances of a safe landing in your new city.

Reasons for moving without money

Let’s face it…

Moving without money or a job lined up isn’t the ideal situation.

That being said, you may find yourself in this position under a few different circumstances.

Maybe you want to:

  • Move out of your parents’ house for the first time as an adult?
  • Leave your college town after graduation?
  • Deal with an unexpected life event, such as divorce or poor health of a loved one?
  • Escape from an unhealthy relationship?
  • Start over and enjoy a fresh start?

If you have shared your decision to move to a new place – especially if you don’t have a job offer lined up – perhaps you’ve been met with some level of doubt or skepticism.

While you don’t owe others an explanation of your decision, you do owe it to yourself to put yourself in the best situation possible for the next stage of your life.

Considerations for starting over with no money

After asking Reddit if I had saved enough money to move across the country, I discovered there were many factors for moving to a new state that I hadn’t really considered.

Moving to a new city isn’t as easy as just packing up your belongings and finding a place to sleep. Moving is expensive!

If you haven’t already, take a moment to consider the following factors:

Cost of living

How much does your target city cost in comparison to where you currently live?

If you’re trying to make the move from a college town into “the big city,” you might be surprised to see that your rent payment is suddenly larger than your entire monthly expenses in your current city.

Plug your current income into a cost of living calculator to compare how much you’ll need to end up earning to enjoy a similar quality of life in your new city.

Moving costs

Transporting all of your belongings across the country isn’t cheap.

Depending on how much you own and how far you plan to move, your moving costs will likely be hundreds – or even thousands – dollars.

You’ll need to spend money on:

  • Moving supplies (find free boxes if you can!)
  • A truck rental if you’re bringing furniture
  • Gasoline… and your fuel efficiency isn’t great in a truck
  • Nightly accommodations if you’re driving a long distance

These costs are often overlooked by someone trying to move without an employer funding the relocation.

If you haven’t saved up money for these moving costs ahead of time, you may find yourself in a personal financial crisis before you even make it to your new home!

Housing security deposit

Moving into a new apartment with no money or job isn’t an easy process.

First of all, many landlords will require proof of income as part of the rental application process. The income needed to qualify for an apartment will vary by the property, but it’s typically around three times the monthly rent.

Moving into a new apartment also typically requires more cash than just the rent payment. You’ll likely be required to cover the first month of rent, last month of rent, and a security deposit before you’re allowed to move in. This means you’re probably looking at 3x the rent payment to actually secure a place to live.

(If you are currently renting, don’t forget to obtain any refundable portion of your security deposit after you make your move!)

Does all of this sound unfair?

In reality, these rules help protect both you and the apartment owner.

One big risk of moving with no money or job lined up is locking yourself into an apartment lease that you can’t afford. Either staying with a family member or friend or finding a short-term rental option are safer options.

Your first paycheck

Let’s say you hit the ground running in your new city. With a fresh haircut and updated resume, you’re able to line up several interviews for promising positions in your preferred career field.

It’s smooth sailing from here, right?

Not exactly.

For starters, it can take several weeks to go from the first interview to starting your new job.

It takes time for companies to complete each round of interviews, decide on a candidate, process the paperwork, and prepare for a new hire to start work.

Even if you’re job hunt goes extremely well, it’s going to be several weeks before you start a new job. And depending on when you start, you’ll likely be waiting 2-3 weeks after your first day on the job before receiving your first paycheck.

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The best city to start over with no money

Have you decided to move to a new city with no money, but you aren’t sure where you want to end up?

If you’re feeling really adventurous, you may consider one of the many cities that may pay you to move there.

Tulsa, Oklahoma is offering a $10,000 incentive and coworking membership to remote workers who decide to call the town “home” for at least a year.

Alaska and Colorado are just two of the many places that also offer moving incentives – sometimes cash, other times land or housing – to attract new people to join their communities.

Even Japan, with a shrinking and aging population, is offering free houses to people willing to pay the taxes and fees.

So should you move to one of these places offering financial incentives to relocate?

Perhaps, but not necessarily.

When deciding on the best city to move without money, you’ll want to find a place with:

  • Affordable cost of living
  • Promising employment opportunities
  • Existing relationships with family members or friends

The best city to move without a job or money will depend on your personal situation. Maybe it’s across the country to somewhere new and exotic… Or maybe it’s back to your old hometown or state near family and friends.

Is it time for you to pick up and move?

So you understand the hidden costs of moving to a new city and maybe you’ve already decided on where you’d like to move… what next?

You may be ready to start a new life in your preferred city as soon as possible, but before making this major decision, it’s time to ask yourself:

Do you really need to make the move right now?

Starting over with no money is going to become a major life challenge.

Waiting just a few months can make a huge difference in building a safety cushion and giving you the emotional security you need to survive what can be a rocky transition.

How to move with no money or job

Are you still asking yourself, “How can I move with no money?”

Here are 10 tips that will help you move to a new city. You can take action on many of these ideas immediately. A few may have to wait until after you make the move.

While your personal circumstances may not allow you to have a completely “easy move,” implementing as many of these strategies as possible will enable you to make your big move a reality.

Pay off your debt

Moving to a new city is a great way to enjoy a fresh perspective on life.

Unfortunately, unless you’ve been lucky enough to avoid debt or pay it off already, then credit card debt and student loans is something that will pack its own bags and follow you no matter where you call home.

If you’re planning to move without a job lined up, realize that you’re still going to be accountable for your monthly payments. Missing your monthly payments can incur late fees, hurt your credit score, and rack up additional interest.

Preferably, you’ll pay off all of your debt before making the financially risky decision to move without a job. At the very least, you’ll want to plan ahead so you have several months’ worth of payments in the bank.

Save as much money as possible

Moving to a new city is a great reason to start saving more money.

Ideally, you’ll have saved at least six months’ worth of your projected living expenses to help fund your move.

You want to have enough money in the bank that you can move all of your belongings, find a place to live, and have a few months to line up a job without worrying about your next meal will come from or if you’re going to have a roof over your head.

The most reliable way to save?

Automatically deposit a percentage of your current paycheck into a savings or checking account dedicated specifically to the move. If you’re working with an aggressive timeline, you’ll need to be saving 30%, 40%, or even more from each paycheck to stockpile cash for your move.

Really in a bind?

Your tax refund, performance bonus from your current employer, birthday or holiday gifts, and side hustle income can all help boost your savings.

Sell your stuff

If you’re preparing to make a move, the benefits of selling some of your existing possessions are two-fold:

  1. You’ll have fewer items to pack and haul with you
  2. You can collect some additional money to boost your moving fund

A lot of your extra items – clothing, furniture, and electronics – can be quickly and easily sold through a yard sale, classified ads, or Facebook Marketplace.

If you’re going to be staying in a furnished room for the first few months, you can’t take that furniture with you anyway. It might also make the difference between needing to rent a truck or just hauling what you own in your car.

Speaking of which… You may have a moment of realization before your move when you ask yourself, “Do I need to take your car with me?”

This can be a complex decision based on where you’re moving, whether you own the car or have payments, etc. However, in some large cities with reliable public transportation, ditching your vehicle may be an effective way to reduce your expenses or boost your savings.

Update your resume

Finding a job in your target city is the easiest and most financially stable way to relocate.

As soon as moving to a new city or state becomes your goal, you’ll want to make finding a job (if you can’t transfer offices or work remotely) your #1 priority.

It might be easier to find a new job after you’ve moved as you’ll be able to do in-person interviews, and recruiters won’t question whether you’re serious about the move.

However, you shouldn’t leave your financial future with such uncertainty.

Take a few minutes to update your resume and LinkedIn profile with your most recent skills, experiences, and certifications, and start immediately looking for new employment opportunities.

Minimize your expenses

Roughly 50% of your expenses probably fall under “the big three:” housing, transportation, and food.

Beyond those categories, your spending may consist of dozens of small transactions throughout the month.

Take a look at your checking account and credit card statements to see where you can cut back.

  • Do you need that music or video streaming subscription right now?
  • Can you find free exercise alternatives to that monthly gym membership?
  • Are there other recurring or frequent expenses you can cut back on?

If you’re serious about moving, now is the time to be challenging your spending habits and running on a lean, mean budget.

Minimizing your expenses will help you save more money before you move, and help your savings last longer after you make the jump.

Find an affordable place to stay

If you’re moving with no money or job, then paying a large security deposit and locking yourself into a 12-month apartment lease can quickly become a huge mistake.

In fact, this traditional approach to housing should really be your last resort if you’re moving without a job.

Consider alternative housing options that provide a more affordable place for you to stay while you settle into your new city.

One of the easiest options would be to stay with a family member or friend. This type of arrangement may depend on the relationship, but you can:

  • Make it clear that it’s only a short-term solution
  • Be willing to pay what you can afford
  • Offer to help out with chores, food, or household supplies

If staying with family or friends for free (or reduced rent) isn’t an option, your best bet is to find a short-term rental for a furnished room. Look for month-to-month contract options or book a room for 2-3 months on Airbnb.

This gives you time to find a stable income, research the neighborhoods where you might like to settle down… or even decide to scrap your relocation plan without the level of financial risk and commitment that comes with an apartment lease.

Have a backup plan

You’ve sold your extra belongings, found a cheap room for rent, and already starting applying for jobs in your new city. For now, it looks like your move is off to an okay start…

But what if things don’t go according to plan?

Having a clear backup plan can provide you with peace of mind even when faced with the prospects that your move might not work out.

This backup plan will not only bail you out if the move goes poorly but also help provide an anchor of emotional support if you face difficult times during the move.

A few options to consider:

  • Mark a specific “end date” to evaluate your progress and explore other options
  • Set aside enough money to make a return drive or flight back home
  • Determine what level of debt you may be comfortable taking on to fund the move (should be a short-term last resort!)

Create a budget

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Budgeting like an adult will play a key role in whether your move is a financially successful one.

If you have a few weeks before making your move, then budgeting carefully can help you pay down your debt and build up your savings.

If you’ve been mindlessly spending on food or entertainment, now is the time to tighten up and start making more intentional decisions with your money.


Creating – and following – a budget will be especially critical after you arrive in your new city.

Regardless of how much money you were able to save before making the move, it’s your job to make that money last until you find a steady income. Build a budget, and give every dollar a purpose in making your move a successful one.

Live within your means

Imagine this:

You’ve moved to your favorite city to look for a fresh start.

You decide to rent your own one-bedroom apartment in the center of downtown.

You buy a fresh, new wardrobe and spend your days trying to meet new people and try every restaurant in your new town.

You’ve taken a big risk in moving… Now it’s time to live the life you’ve always dreamed of, right?

Unfortunately, if this is your mindset, your big move is going to come to a quick end and you’ll soon find yourself sleeping on the couch at your parents’ house.

Now is the time to live within your means. To make the most of every dollar, you may need to settle for renting a room instead of an apartment, trading your car for a bike or bus pass, and choosing to meal prep rather than eating out frequently.

Any extra money you can hold on to should be saved for a rainy day.

Find work immediately

No matter how much you’ve saved in preparation for your move, you’ll find that your money drains quickly out of your checking account if you don’t have have a source of income.

Moving supplies… Security deposits… Professional attire for job interviews…

It all adds up.

One of the keys to successfully moving to a new city is to find work immediately. Until you accept an offer, searching for employment needs to be your full-time job.

If you’ve accepted the risk of moving to a new city without a job, you may not have the luxury of waiting until you find “the perfect job.”

Part-time or temporary work can help keep your finances afloat until you’re able to find a better long-term opportunity.

Even a small source of steady income – working as a barista, bartender, or retail associate – can help extend how long your savings will last and buy you time to find the right fit.


Should you move with no money or job lined up?

If you have a choice, your smartest move is to postpone the move for as long as possible. You can begin taking action right now to improve your situation and increase your chances of a successful move.

Start searching for a job immediately. Build up your savings. Pay down your debt. Develop the habit of living on a budget.

If life circumstances force you into moving immediately, it’s important to keep your expenses low, accept help from family and friends if you can, and have a backup plan in place.

Moving to a new city without a job is difficult… But not impossible!

Have you ever moved to a new city with little or no money? What was your experience, and what advice do you have for others considering a similar move?

The world is full of people who complain just about everything but do nothing. Yet they wonder how to become a self-made millionaire with no money.

A lot is wrong about this mindset. Let me tell you what exactly.

For a start, you need to let go of blaming others for what you don’t have. And need to immediately start taking responsibility for anything that happens and doesn’t happen to you.

It’s what all self-made millionaires are doing, and something you can’t just skip if you want to change.

The transformation happens on the inside first. And this responsibility thing will make all the difference.

Next, average people think you need a million dollars to actually live like a millionaire. Well, that’s not true. You need the lifestyle, not the money.

Because if you have the money but lack the time and organization to spend it right, you simply won’t be able to do anything with it and will be miserable.

What’s more, you won’t be able to sleep as managing money is often harder than earning it. The net worth of a millionaire might not be for you, but the mindset and lifestyle might be. And that’s what you should go after.

The Internet is full of inspiring self-made millionaire stories.

Most people, however, just don’t really read these and try to extract the lessons. Because if they did – if they set aside tens of hours to read biographies of great leaders and success stories of Fortune 500 companies – they’d see some important underlying principles of accumulating wealth.

They would understand the steps to becoming wealthy, the way of thinking that requires, and what exactly can go wrong so they can avoid it on their journey.

The information is out there. Most big publications have shared it with the world for free.

All it takes it to create a site and start blogging to build an audience and monetize it.

If you’re interested in starting your own blog, I created a FREE course that walks you through the steps.

In fact, to know how to become a self-made millionaire with no money, you can simply dedicate a month of your life to self-education.

You can learn all about starting an online business on the side and the possible ways to earn passive income. Then you can make a 1-year plan on how to earn your first money online, turn it into a steady income, and leave your job.

Then you can manage your finances like a boss, which is one of the top habits of millionaires. After all, wealth accumulation is all about earning more, spending less, and saving and/or investing the difference.

Learn the ins and outs of investing too. It’s a complex issue, but plenty of people out there are self-taught investors earning cash on a daily basis, and living the lifestyle of their dreams.

The most important thing to understand is that this doesn’t need to require money. But it does require hard work.

To Become a Millionaire from Nothing, You Need to Be a Hustler.

I follow quite many millionaires online. I love their stories, learning about how they got started, and seeing their growth over the years.

Let’s take Gary Vee, for instance. The hustler of all hustlers.

He’s all about execution and encourages grinding 24/7/365.

Can you do that?

If you can, then you can also be a millionaire by 30.

He openly shares his journey and that’s why he has a huge following on all social media channels. His Daily Vee show on YouTube is all about what he does on a daily basis.

Because he doesn’t actually have the time to just record and upload videos, or write on his blog daily, he just documents his journey.

He shares his work culture, posts while at the airport, strategizes in the car on the way to a meeting, and is being recorded by his team while taking decisions or meeting with clients in the office.

If you’re wondering how to become a millionaire from nothing, you’re on the wrong path, my friend. On a completely wrong path that won’t take you where you truly want to go.

Because quick money isn’t sweet. And we’re all about the lifestyle here.

It comes true hard work, dedication, years of sweat and mindset shifts, and patience.

Develop These Millionaire Success Habits

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But because I want to share with you the right first steps on how to become a self-made millionaire with no money, here’s something practical.

Yes, it’s about what goes in your head before anything else. And that’s shaped long before the money comes in.

That’s why I encourage you to follow self-made millionaires of all age and across all fields online, and take their advice. They know what they are talking about.

But a surefire formula to replicate their success is to simply build their habits.

No Money Heads Up

There are some millionaire success habits that will guarantee your progress. And I’m not saying you’ll be a millionaire by 30 solely by getting up earlier and starting an online business. No.

But each behavior described below, when combined with mindfulness and a long-term vision, is bringing you closer to that one big idea one day that will change the course of your life.

All this is preparation. You’re preparing yourself for the responsibility. Because I’m convinced that if you wake up being a millionaire tomorrow morning, you simply won’t handle it.

That’s why self-made millionaires who started from nothing are happy. Because they wanted it, earned it themselves, invested years to develop the mindset to accept the hurdles and be okay with the stress in daily life, and can still live normally appreciating the little things.

Read also: How This Family Guy Made $1,250,226 from 3 Blogs

How to Become a Self-Made Millionaire with No Money: The Habits

1. Be ruthless with your vision.

Create your vision by defining – then designing – your ideal lifestyle.

Set aside a few days to think it through, to write stuff down, to imagine a possible future that would make you satisfied.

Know what you want to eliminate from your current life, and what you need to add over the next few years.

Read also: How This Couple Makes $100K/Month Blogging and Travels The World

2. Ditch the non-believers.

Who you surround yourself with is crucial.

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You need to stop hanging out with people who aren’t ambitious and aren’t looking to become rich any time soon. Instead, find new like-minded individuals.

Then, find a mentor.

While you’ll eventually start going to networking events to grow your network (as it is your net worth), you can also find great mentorship online.

Start following self-made millionaires and billionaires online.

Here’s a list of a few great ones that came to my mind:

  1. Bill Gates
  2. Tim Ferris
  3. Richard Branson
  4. Mark Zuckerberg
  5. Jack Dorsey
  6. Evan Spiegel (Snapchat co-founder)
  7. Elon Musk
  8. Mark Cuban
  9. Larry Ellison (founder of Oracle)
  10. Nathan Chan (Foundr Magazine)
  11. Noah Kagan (AppSumo)
  12. Howard Schultz (Starbucks)
  13. Oprah Winfrey
  14. Sergey Brin and Larry Page (Google)
  15. Paul Allon (Microsoft)
  16. Jeff Bezos (Amazon founder and currently the richest person in the world)

And more.

Now, these are just some of my favorite.

But you can basically follow any startup founder these days, or online personality, or small business owner who shares life lessons on his own platform or across different ones.

Just make sure to check how they started to know they made it on their own.

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After all, we’re not talking about Paris Hilton here or even Donald Trump.

We need to learn from people who had an average life, lack of initial capital, and who didn’t even believe in themselves in the very beginning.

It’s crucial to see how someone else shifted their mind and created something out of nothing, in order to know you’re capable of that too.

3. Start building your online empire today.

I believe in a simple solution to creating the ideal lifestyle – earning passive income. And one great way to do that is to start a blog, grow it, monetize it strategically, and allowing it to earn you money for years to come while you move onto other business ideas.

If you do your best and dedicate all your free time to that, it will pay off in the long-run.

Today it’s all about attention.

With social media, blogging and videos, and all the platforms available that you can join for free and build a following there, you can grab interest and keep it. What’s more, you will know these are the right people.

The very first steps are:

  • Do your research.
  • Choose your niche.
  • Know your strengths and use them.
  • Build a site.
  • Start a blog.
  • Create profiles on social media.
  • Start engaging people there.
  • Create different types of content on a weekly/daily basis.
  • Share your story with the world.

If you want to start a WordPress site for cheap, then WPX Hosting would be ideal for your hosting needs. It’s currently my favorite hosting company (offering optimized hosting for WordPress sites) and I couldn’t be happier to host Let’s Reach Success with them. Here’s my honest WPX Hosting review.

4. Become a millionaire online.

All that’s available in the digital world makes it possible to know how to become a self-made millionaire with no money.

You should be investing your time, though. Daily.

Reach out to influencers via email or social media. Write articles. Leave comments on other people’s blogs. Personally message people on social media and get feedback on your ideas. Shoot quick videos talking about stuff you’re interested in.

That’s the foundation.

Then it comes time to get into marketing. Whatever you’ll be doing from here on, it will involve selling. Be it your services, your products, your brand, or just an idea.

You’re creating solutions to problems with your future business. So you need to convince others to join you on your journey, and potential customers that they need what you have.

I suggest starting with these 2 detailed guides by Neil Patel, one of the gurus in the niche:

Afterward, you become a creator.

Although you already should be creating by providing value with content on your site and across other platforms, you also need products.

Go through this article of mine, where I present to you the possible ways to build your first online product. That will help you decide what you can do now, without experience and money.

In the article, I linked to I also talk about the idea validation process so that you can make sure you’re working on the right thing. Which is something people are actually willing to pay for, and for which there’s already an existing market.

Also, don’t forget to check out my guide on how to make money blogging.

5. Learn, learn, learn.

One of the main secrets of self-made millionaires is that they are passionate learners.

I don’t mean formal education. It’s not a coincidence that some of the richest and most successful people of today are college drop outs.

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You can learn all that you need yourself. It’s called the art of lifelong learning.

It’s mostly a mindset, and it should go together with true desire and curiosity.

I’m talking about learning the ins and outs of the field you’re about to enter.

Learning all about managing money and dealing with numbers.

Understanding the main principles behind starting an online business, building an audience, creating a name for yourself, and engaging people with your content and brand.

Without this, you can’t make it.

For example, I earned my highest income from blogging in March 2018, yet it was also the month I invested $200 in my first online course Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing.

It’s worth it as I’m learning from the expert (Michelle from Making Sense of Cents who’s already earning $100K from her blog) and because I was literally leaving money on the table without having set up systems to make money from affiliate marketing. I’m now learning and applying the lessons.

6. Stop doing the things that will never make you rich.

Seriously, stop spending on stuff you don’t need. Millionaires would never do that.

They know that wealth comes from saving and spending wisely.

Here’s a good guide on how to save your way to 1 million.

7. Invest in yourself first.

Self-made millionaires’ most common reason on how they did it is that they read a lot, all the time.

That’s the way to get into investing too, even if you know nothing right now.

Warren Buffet used to read 1000 pages a day.

One of the best tips of successful people is to invest in yourself first. That means setting aside 15% of your money on a monthly basis, and investing it wisely.

But it also means investing in yourself by taking care of your well-being. Sleep enough, eat well, exercise, boost your mental and spiritual health too.

Even the busiest self-made millionaires do that daily.

They know how important an energetic body, peaceful soul and focused mind are.

Only the combination of these can let you be in top shape and perform well day after day, while building your million dollar business.

8. Investing to become a millionaire.

So, how to become a self-made millionaire with no money? Invest.

Before you start making excuses as to why you need experience with that, a degree in finance, or knowing the right people, know this:

Enough people out there starting from nothing have made it without help, and so can you.

Here’s the moment to start reading some of the best books on investing.

This list will be enough. It’s for beginners and covers all that you need to know about this industry and how it works, together with forming the mindset necessary to make serious money from this for the rest of your life.

Stop looking for the quickest way to become a millionaire.

That will lead to disappointment. Instead, you must play the long game if you want to win. But also preserve your peace of mind, be happy and find meaning.

You don’t become a millionaire overnight. Some consider the success stories we constantly hear about such overnight achievements, but it’s far from the truth.

Headlines share how Mark Zuckerberg created Facebook in a day and soon became a millionaire. While now he’s worth 74,2 billion dollars.

But when you dig deeper, you see he was just a student who wasn’t interested in the system. He was spending his time in his dorm coding on his computer. He didn’t have a plan on what to create exactly, he just loved it.

So he coded for weeks, without doing anything else. Then one day, he created a social network for his campus that grabbed interest. The word got out and other universities wanted to join.

Then, the platform was available to anyone else, regardless of whether they are students and where in the world they are.

Now, there are 2.7 billion monthly active users on Facebook!

You can become an entrepreneur with no money. But you do need the passion, the drive, the desire to contribute. The dedication, the discipline, the right habits, the love for learning.

If you read this guide hoping to find a super quick solution, then just Google how to make quick cash. You’ll see some ridiculous ways that work.

But that’s not what self-made millionaires would ever do.

And you don’t need to have a million dollar idea just yet. You’ll generate 1000 small ones before that, until one day your mind will think of a creative way to do regular stuff. And you’ll fill a need in the market that only your business can.

So, how to become a self-made millionaire with no money? Sit down and write the plan for your first stage. That includes what you need to read, what changes to your daily routine you need to make, and where in life you want to be a few years from now.

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