
How Do We Play Poker

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Poker is a game of strategy. You'll need to constantly read the other players to decide when to hold 'em, when to fold 'em, when to bluff, and when to call s. Poker is a family of card games that combines strategy, intelligence, and skill. Poker games vary in the number of cards dealt, the number of shared or 'community' cards, the number of cards that remain hidden, and the betting procedures. The most prominent ones being HOLD’EM Poker and OMAHA Poker.

Learning how to play poker is something most gamblers would like to do – but often times, the learning process can be long, tedious, and drawn-out, due to uninformative, unhelpful information. That’s why, in this “poker for beginners” guide, we’re going to show you the best way to learn to play poker, and we’ll be […]

Learning how to play poker is something most gamblers would like to do – but often times, the learning process can be long, tedious, and drawn-out, due to uninformative, unhelpful information. That’s why, in this “poker for beginners” guide, we’re going to show you the best way to learn to play poker, and we’ll be focusing on Texas Hold ‘Em – the most common form of poker around today.

We’ll begin by covering some of the basic rules surrounding poker – how to play, hand rankings, and so on – and we’ll delve deeper into the mathematics and strategy side of things later on in this poker tutorial. So, if you’re looking for a “how to play poker for beginners” guide, make sure you pay attention – we’re going to get started!

Poker for Beginners: The Basics

The basic objective of poker is to make the best poker hand possible, and beat all other players who are playing in a hand with you. We’ll look at poker hand rankings a little later on in this poker guide – but first, let’s take a look at how poker is actually played.

As soon as all players have assembled at the table, the very first decision to be made is deciding who will start off as the dealer. This can either be done on a volunteer basis, or by dealing everyone a card, and the one with the highest value will be the dealer. Once chosen, the dealer will be indicated by what is called a “Dealer Button” that is placed just in front of them.

The player with the dealer button gets to act last in all betting rounds except the preflop – a huge advantage as you get to witness what everyone else does first, before making your decision. As such, the dealer button is rotated clockwise around the table to the very next player at the end of each hand, so that everyone will get to be in this advantageous position too.

Note, in both an actual casino and online poker where there is a designated professional dealer or a computer dealer, the player with the dealer button doesn’t physically deal the cards, but rather just signifies to everyone else, including the dealer, who is acting as the ‘nominal’ dealer for that hand. This lets the dealer knows who to deal the first card to (the first player to the left of the dealer button), and also who gets to act last, except, as we’ve already mentioned, in the preflop stage where the big blind is the player to act last.

Once the dealer button has been positioned, the first players to the left of the button will have to put down the ‘small blind’ and the very next player the ‘big blind’. (scroll down to the next section to get a better understanding on what ‘blinds’ are). When that’s done, it’s time to start dealing out the cards.

The first player to the left of the button is dealt one card face down, and this is repeated clockwise around the table, one card at a time, until every player has 2 face down cards, also known as the hole cards. After all players have been given two cards, the first round of betting, known as the ‘preflop’ betting round commences.

Preflop Betting Round

After all players have been given their hold cards, they now have to look at their cards and decide what they want to do. The first to act is the player directly left of the big blind, and then the action cycles through every player in a clockwise direction back to the big blind, so that everyone has had a chance to act.

Every player has the same choice of actions when it’s their turn – Fold, Call (‘Check’, in the case of the big blind for this particular round), or Raise.

When it’s time for the big blind to take action, there are several actions that s/he can take, depending on what the previous players have done:

  1. If everyone else had simply ‘called’ the big blind, s/he can ‘check’ (add no additional bet) to stay in the round. Or, he can ‘raise’ (add more bet – usually at least double the amount of the big blind), in which case betting continues around the table once again until everyone calls the current bet, or even re-raise again. Each cardroom will have their own specific limit of how many re-raises can be made in one betting round – usually 3 or 4.
  2. If someone had ‘raised’, then s/he will have to ‘call’ the new bet amount, or re-raise.
  3. Lastly, they can also ‘fold’. Usually, if everyone else had just called the big blind, there’s no reason for the player to fold, as they do not have to invest any more money in to the pot, and therefore should stay until the next betting round.

Once everyone has had a chance to act at least once, AND everyone who is still in the game (not folded) has placed the same amount of bet, the current betting round ends and then the next round begins.

The Flop

Three new cards are dealt face up in to the centre, and are known as “the flop”. All players are able to use any number of these community cards to improve their hand, and once they’ve been dealt, yet another round of betting takes place.

Similar to the previous round, everyone takes turn in taking action, with two small differences.

The first difference is the initial player to kick off the betting round is now the first active player to the left of the button.

The second difference is in the choice of the available actions. The first player can either ‘bet’ (as there are no blinds, meaning no live bets, the player can initiate the betting round by making the very first bet) or ‘check’, whereby they pass the initiation decision to the very next player to their left, and remain in the game to act once again when the play comes back round to them, depending on what all the subsequent players do. If everyone else checked, then the game proceeds to the next betting round. If someone had betted, then the initial player to have checked will have to call the bet, raise, or fold.

Again, once everyone has had the chance to make at least once action and everyone has made the same amount of bet (or none, if everyone checked), the game proceeds to the next betting round.

The Turn and the River

One more card is dealt face up, known as the turn. This betting round is identical to the previous round, which is also identical to the next round, where the fifth and final card is dealt face up, known as the river.

The Showdown

If two or more players remain after the river betting round, these players then enter the showdown stage.

Typically, the person who initiated the betting in the river round is the first to reveal their cards. Then, going clockwise, all other remaining players can reveal their cards as well. However, if a player holds a losing hand to the ones already revealed, they do not have to show their cards, but rather can “muck” (throw their cards, face down, into the discard pile, so that no one will know what cards they had) their cards and conceded the pot.

If no one made a bet in the previous round, then the first player to the left of the button must reveal their hands first.

The winner is the player with the best hand, and they will be awarded the full pot. In the case of a tie, the pot is split between however many players share a tied hand.

Who Is the Winner?

Apart from the player(s) with the best hand in the final showdown round, another way a player can be determined is if there is only one player remaining before reaching the showdown round. So, if everyone but one folded in any of the previous betting rounds, then the remaining player will be the winner and is awarded the pot.

Big and Small Blinds

You may have heard people talking about the “big” and “small” blinds before, and if you’re sat there scratching your head wondering what the heck people are talking about, then keep reading.

An integral part of No-Limit Hold’em, the big and small blinds are tiny bets that are “forced” onto the two players to the left of the dealer. The big blind is usually the table’s minimum bet, and the small blind is half the big blind, so, say you were playing at a poker table with limits of $1/2, the big blind would be $2, and the small blind would be $1.

You may be wondering what the point of the blinds are – and there’s a few reasons why they’re included at most poker tables.

First off, they encourage action. There’s always money in the pot, so players are less tempted to sit back and wait for premium hands.

They’re also important in tournament structure, as, without them, players could simply refuse to play hands until they had pocket Kings or Aces.


Antes are generally found in high-stakes cash games, and in the latter stages of the tournaments. They’re similar to the big and small blinds, in that players don’t have a choice as to whether or not they put an ante in or not – and again, the reason why it’s used, is to both encourage action, and ensure that players aren’t just sitting out, waiting for premium hands.

Bluffing: A Beginner’s Guide

Bluffing is one of the core components of poker, and it’s the one you’re probably most excited – or most nervous about.

As a general rule of thumb, it’s not wise to try bluffing too much as a new player. The reasons for this are fairly self-explanatory. As there’s a good chance you’ll be playing against more experienced players, you don’t want to give away an advantage, where they could potentially see through your bluff and end up beating you.

This does, of course, have its uses, as many times they won’t expect you to bluff – but it’s probably worth taking your time with it before trying anything too rash.

So, what is a bluff?

Bluffing is the art of getting your opponent(s) to fold a better hand than yours, so that you can win the pot. Say, for example, you were chasing a flush, and you missed on the river. If there was a nice amount in the pot, you’d likely want to make a small bluff, hoping your opponent fold their hand.

Of course, your opponent could also have been chasing a flush – and if he or she is a good player, they could re-bluff you!

This is where things get pretty complicated, and if you want to avoid being bluffed, it helps to track the entire hand, so that you can re-play it in your mind if things get tricky at the river.

Bet, Check, Call, Raise, or Fold

As you’ll have noticed in the previous section, we talked a lot about betting, checking, folding, or calling. In the following section of this poker guide we’re going to look at what each of these terms means.

If the action is checked round to you, either preflop, on the flop, on the turn, or on the river, you can make what’s known as a bet. This is where you bet a certain amount of money, either trying to entice players in (when you have a strong hand), or to bluff them out (when you have a bad hand.)

If a player wants to continue in the hand, they can match your bet amount, but they can also raise you, which means they put even more money in – this, of course, then means you have to either call their raise, or fold your hand.

Players can choose to check, which means they don’t wish to place a bet. If they do decide to check, the action will move to the next player, at which point they can either check or bet.

If a player makes a bet, or a raise, you can decide to call. This is often known a “flat call”. It means you match their bet amount exactly.

You can raise the current betting amount by doubling the big blind amount, or any other amount that was predetermined for the style of game being played.

You can fold your hand at any time (provided the action is on you), and this is usually seen where an opponent of yours makes a bet, and you don’t fancy your hand enough to call.

Rules of Poker

While poker is relatively easy to play, there are some basic rules which should be followed. Failure to do so could result in you suffering a penalty – which usually is delivered in the form of having to sit out from one or more hands.

As part of this poker tutorial, we’ve included a few of the main and most important rules you should be aware of below.

(Note: These rules will generally only apply to when you’re playing poker in real life. When playing on the computer, the software generally stops you from making these mistakes, so you won’t need to worry about them. Still, it’s worth having an idea of them, in case you do ever decide to play at a land-based-casino.)

Folding Out of Turn: This is one of the biggest mistakes new players make, and if the action has not yet made its way round to you, you should never fold your hand, or announce any type of decision on what you’re going to do. If you do, your hand could automatically be folded for you – and repeat offenders may suffer a penalty of up to one orbit of the table.

Exposing One Or More of Your Hole Cards: This is something occasionally used by professionals, to get an idea of their opponent’s reaction. In some games, it’s acceptable – cash games – but in tournaments it’s a big no-no, and your hand could be declared dead if you do it continually. In most instances, however, if you expose your hand accidently, you will simply lose the ability to make aggressive actions – meaning you can only call, check, or fold to a bet.

Colluding with Other Players: This is perhaps the most severe mistake you can make in poker, and this is where you talk with other players about your hand. This could be in the form of chatting to a friend sat next to you, or it could take a more sinister form, where you’re actively cheating by texting a friend about what your hand contains.

Now, that’s just a few of the main rules within a poker game. As mentioned earlier, you generally don’t need to worry about them too much, as, when playing online, the poker software prevents you from making them – but if you do decide to play in “real life”, make sure to follow them, to avoid getting in trouble with the dealer or pit boss.

Poker Hands Guide

If you’re planning on playing poker for real money, it is, of course, beneficial to have a good idea of the hand rankings – and for your conversance, we’ve included a table, breaking down the various hand ranks. You can see the table below:

Poker Strategies

How to play poker for beginners – something that almost all new poker players ask.
The truth is, there’s no sure-stead way of learning how to play poker, and a lot of it comes from practice. That being said, there are ways that – as a newcomer to the game – you can improve your chances of winning (especially when playing against players who are also just starting out), and in the following section, we’re going to take a look at some of the main poker strategies around today.

Play Within Your Bankroll

As a general rule of thumb, you should try not to bring more than 5% of your total bankroll to the table, at any one time. Say, for example, you had a poker fund of £500. Ideally, you should avoid sitting down at a table with more £25.

Of course, in practice this is a little harder than it sounds, and it does require a high level of discipline – but it’s one of the best ways to avoid busting out too early, and will ensure you can keep playing, even after having a losing session.

Know When to Walk Away

Tilt – when you’re losing and start acting irrationally – is the bane of almost all poker players, and it’s one of the main ways in which players lose money. Now, tilting isn’t mutually exclusive to new players – even the world’s best professional experience tilting – but if you’re on a losing run, and feel that you simply can’t catch a break, the best thing to do is walk away from the table, and have some time off.

If you don’t, you’ll likely end up making rash decisions, and will almost certainly come to regret it later on.

Beginner’s Tips for Playing Poker

If you’re new to poker, it’s natural to feel overwhelmed at times. That’s why, below, we’ve compiled a few of our favourite tips you can follow, to ensure you minimize losses, and maximize wins.

Choose Your Starting Hands Wisely

If you try to play every hand under the sun, in the hopes of landing a fluke monster, you’re not only going to end up losing a lot of money, but you’ll also be far-more likely to attract the more aggressive players, who may well try to bluff you out of the important hands.

As a general rule of thumb, you should be aiming to play around 15-20% of hands – and even that number is a little on the high-side.

If you’re stuck on what hands constitute a “good hand”, remember that preflop, any pair is generally strong, along with two high-cards, like Ace-King, Ace-Queen, Ten-Jack, and King-Queen.

Know When to Call

It can be so easy to call opponents bets on the off-chance you have a winning hand, but if you adopt this strategy, you’ll find your chips slowly trickling off towards your opponent’s stack. This is another good example of why you should choose your starting hands wisely.

Try to avoid situations where you end up calling a bet just ‘for the sake of it’, and always THINK about why you’re making a call. Do you think your opponent could have hit his flush? Do you think he’s bluffing?

At least if you THINK about why you’re making a certain action, you’re getting valuable experience.

Don’t Be Afraid to Be Aggressive

While it’s a bad idea to call bets willy-nilly, it’s not always bad to bet regularly – and in doing so, you ensure that you’re keeping control of the table action.

If you choose to bet regularly, you become what’s known as “an aggressive player”, and if you choose to do so, you’ll want to bet both your strong hands, and your weak hands. This will avoid your opponent’s being able to pick up on traits, and will ensure you keep an air of mystery about your playing-style.

Don’t Tilt!

Losing is natural. It’s going to happen. You need to accept that fact if you want to become a good poker player.

When you lose a hand, instead of losing concentration, and beginning to play recklessly, take a moment to compose yourself, and think long-term. Sure, it may be tempting to call the next hand regardless of what you hold – but is this really going to help you win-money in the long run?
No! So, try to learn the art of discipline.

(This is something even the BEST poker players deal with – so the sooner you get a hold on it, the sooner you’ll be able to work your way up the ‘ability ranks’, and see yourself becoming a more successful, profitable poker player.)

Now, that’s just a few tips you can use to get started.


As you can see, learning how to play poker – and actually turn a profit from doing so – may not be the easiest task in the world, but it’s important for you to realize that you can do it – and the main driving force behind your journey towards becoming a success and profitable poker player, is the time and effort which you put in.

As with anything in life, the more time you spend practicing, the better you’ll get – and of course, while poker is a little different, in that you can lose money while learning – you don’t have to play in the big games, or risk too much money to become a successful player.

Follow the advice we’ve shared in this poker guide, and you’ll be well on your way to becoming a successful poker player.


If you are interested to get the best rakeback deals and private promotions on poker sites head on to PokerPro website (PS: there are plenty of options to choose from also for the USA players).

Physical distance is the new norm, and despite casinos opening up, we can’t really be 100% safe while playing. This challenge has created a new trend for many enthusiasts—playing poker on Zoom! It sounds a bit overkill at first, but it isn’t and has its own merits for many players.

To start playing poker on Zoom, you only need a platform where you can play online private games. PokerStars, 888 Poker, Poker Now, and Easy Poker are four excellent platforms that you can use for playing. Once you have the options set up for the games, you can start a Zoom meeting and start playing!

Playing poker on Zoom is pretty straightforward, but choosing the right platform can be challenging. We’ll go through the steps that you need to take to start your games, including some poker platforms that you can use. Stick around to learn more about it, and we’re sure that you’ll be up and playing in no time!

Why Should You Play Poker on Zoom?

When we first heard about it, playing poker on Zoom didn’t make a lot of sense. Why would we even bother ourselves trying to improve a gaming experience that we’ve already been using for more than a decade, right? But after trying it for ourselves, everything made sense, and it was actually one of the best online poker games we’ve ever played!

The reason why poker has become one of the most popular card games in the world is that it’s perfect for whatever we want. Whether for pastime, bonding, casual games, money games, or tournaments, poker has everything suitable for everyone.

The poker boom led many companies to release their online poker sites, which made playing poker more accessible. Nowadays, playing poker online is something that many enthusiasts do, and it won’t be that hard for you to start playing.

I played professionally on PokerStars for many years, even on FullTilt back in the day. But after PokerStars reduced their rakeback to almost zero, I moved to smaller sites, where my share of the rakeback is what I consider fair (meaning, good enough for me :))

There are many online poker sites that you can use to practice physical distancing without missing out on your favorite game. However, some things make live poker games more entertaining; areas where online poker just can’t compete, such as the following:

  • The level of interaction with other players. Although many professionals advise against socializing while playing because of the possibility of revealing your tells and flaws, it will always be one of the most interactive games. You and your friends prefer to play poker because it’s fun to talk big and shut your friends up as soon as you win a big pot, right?
  • Gather more data that you can use to win games. When you’re playing high-level online poker, you can never use the flaws, expressions, and tells of your opponents because you can’t see them. It may not be that important for casual players, but it’s still something that online poker sites can’t replicate. The only thing that is a must for many poker pros is a HUD.
  • It activates your senses as soon as you enter a cardroom. Another reason why many players prefer live games is the experience. Online poker sites can never replicate the softness of the felt on your fingertips, the satisfaction of shuffling chips in between your fingers, and the luxurious comfort that only casinos can provide.

The more you cover all of these factors while playing poker, the easier it’ll be for you and your friends to replace live poker with online games.

Playing poker on Zoom is a way for you to level up your games because it allows you to have more interaction than if you were only playing private online games.

When you’re into high-level competition, you can even use Zoom to read through your opponents, albeit on a much lower quality than in real-life.


The idea behind playing poker on Zoom is just to take online poker games to a whole new level. You start a private poker table with your friends, start a conference with them, and then start playing and interacting with each other in real-time!

How to Start Playing Poker on Zoom

Playing poker on Zoom presents a huge upgrade with how we typically play online poker, but you don’t really need a lot to start. Here are the things that you need to play poker on Zoom:

  • Laptop for every player
  • Smartphone (optional)
  • Zoom to host the games
  • Payment Processor (optional)
  • Private poker rooms

These are the requirements to start and host poker on Zoom. Of course, you’re free to make adjustments as you see fit, but we’ll cover the easiest way to play and what we think many people want for their games.

Requirement #1: Laptop

A laptop is an absolute requirement for every player. This is the one that I love the most (Amazon link). You can play poker on a smartphone, you can be at a Zoom meeting with a desktop computer, but you can’t play poker on Zoom using either or both; only a laptop can do it!

It’s possible to play online poker on a smartphone, especially with the popularity of poker apps. However, if you’re going to play poker while in a Zoom meeting, you’ll have to run apps simultaneously, and many apps and smartphones can’t do it.

Using a desktop is possible, but you need to set it up for the webcam, mic, and headphones. There are just too many things to work on a desktop computer before you can use it to play poker on Zoom. It’s possible, but nobody has the time to prepare for it, especially if you and your friends are starting games spontaneously.

Requirement #2: Smartphone

Using a smartphone, alone, isn’t recommended if you want to have the best online poker experience. However, you can use it to upgrade the games that you play. Nowadays, most online poker sites have adapted to the mobile-first approach, and all of them have their apps that run seamlessly on any smartphone.

You and your friends can access the poker table you’ve created on a smartphone while in a conference with them on your laptop. We know many of you would want to have this experience, so we searched the web to look for a platform that you can use for this purpose.

Requirement #3: Zoom Account

If you’re only playing casually, a free Zoom account could work. However, it’ll drop the call as soon as you hit the 40-minute group meeting limit. Forty minutes for a poker game is possible; sometimes, one of your friends will even run out of chips in the first few minutes. But usually, poker games last a bit longer. So, if you really want untethered poker experience, we recommend a Zoom Pro Account.

With a pro account, you’ll have a 24-hour meeting limit—that’s more than the time that the best poker players can last at the table! It also gives you better customization features, making it easier for you to adjust the meeting to your liking. A Zoom Pro account only costs $14.99, and you only need one paid account to start hosting games.

Requirement #4: Payment Processor

Using a payment processor is optional; you only need it if you’re playing money games with your friends. Paypal is the obvious choice, but can also use other options like Revolut, Google Pay, Apple Pay, and even Messenger Pay.

Before you start the game, each player will send their money to an “escrow player”—a person who temporarily holds all the money and will transfer it to the winner at the end of the game.

You can also use a poker platform that has a feature that can help you manage money transactions.

Requirement #5: Private Poker Rooms

Many online poker platforms will allow you to host a private poker room for free! We’ll discuss the ones that we recommend in a while, but what you need is something that you can customize and will allow you to invite your friends to join.

The idea of playing poker on Zoom is simple; you play with your friends on the same poker game while being in a conference with them to make interaction easier. When choosing a private poker room, customization options are the first thing that you should be looking at and how easy it’ll be for your friends to join.

Let the Poker Games Begin… on Zoom!

What makes playing poker on Zoom great is your ability to set up poker games with friends without investing money for the table, chips, and the space that you’re going to use for your games. It’s a step above online poker games because instead of typing whatever you want to say, you are interacting with your friends directly.

It’s the second-best thing that you can do if you want to play poker. You don’t have to go through the trouble of setting up the tables, and you don’t have to spend time visiting a card room.

In fact, in a world where we are encouraged to practice physical distancing, playing poker on Zoom is probably the only option for us to play with friends and interact with them in real-time.

The Best Private Poker Rooms That You Can Use

There are many options that you can choose from if you want to play poker on Zoom, but not all of them will have the customization features that you want. You may also find poker apps that are excellent for smartphones but don’t allow you to host games and invite your friends.

So to make it easier for you to start playing poker on Zoom, here are the four of the best poker apps that you can use:

  • PokerStars – Versatile
  • 888 Poker – Easy to Use
  • Poker Now – Lightweight
  • Easy Poker – Mobile-Optimized


PokerStars is the best platform that you can use to play poker on Zoom, not only because it’s one of the most popular sites but also because it has the best features that you can use when playing. We even think that it’s the one that many enthusiasts will use for their games.

Why Is PokerStars Perfect for You?

Aside from having the most established platform for playing, PokerStars also allows you to create Home Games. This option is what you need because you can host private poker games, customize it according to your liking, and invite your friends to join.

You can even make the games easier to manage because PokerStars will allow you to set the rules to play for money. The blinds start at $0.01/$0.02 and could go up to $1/$2. When setting up cash games, you don’t need a payment processor to send payments to the winner, PokerStars will do everything for you.

What Can PokerStars Do to Improve?

PokerStars is, almost, perfect for playing poker on Zoom because it has everything that you need. However, you and your friends need to download the game client to start playing. Accessing the game requires a few more steps compared to other sites. You need to create a poker club and generate a unique ID that you’ll share with your friends. Some poker platforms will only require you to log into your account to start playing.

Making the game client available to mobile devices is another area where they can focus on to improve. Many players want to have the freedom of playing on their smartphones while being able to stay in the meeting, using their laptops.

How Do You Play Poker

888 Poker

How To Play Poker Better

888 Poker is another huge poker site that you can use to play poker on Zoom. It has almost the same features as PokerStars, but it offers a more straightforward approach to starting your games. Many of the unnecessary steps in PokerStars aren’t in 888 Poker, so we recommend it for quick games.

Why Is 888 Poker Perfect for You?

There’s only one reason why you’d want to play using 888 Poker—ease of use. If you’re going to play with friends, you don’t have to create a private poker club, then send them a unique ID to join. You can just share it with the people you want to participate in, and once they get inside the room, you can already start playing.

What Can 888 Poker Do to Improve?

Despite the massive reach of smartphones, 888 Poker still uses game clients that you can only use on a desktop or laptop. If there’s one thing that they can do to improve, it’ll be developing an app that people can use to play poker on their mobile phones.

Poker Now

Poker Now is a non-profit poker platform that you can use to host your games. You don’t have to register or download anything, and you can access it from your laptop or smartphone. What makes it one of the best platforms is that it allows you to play on a lightweight platform that works seamlessly on any device.

Why Is Poker Now Perfect for You?

Since the platform developers aren’t doing anything to monetize the site, it runs so fast that you can use it even on a slow computer, and it’ll still work well. There are no complicated steps that you need to complete, and your friends can access the games that you create as long as they have a Discord account.

What Can Poker Now Do to Improve?

The platform is lightweight, but it lacks other game formats available on PokerStars and 888 Poker. You can only play No-Limit Hold’em and Omaha. Although these are two of the most popular games that we often play, adding more game formats is something that they can focus on to get more players to use their platform for poker games.

Easy Poker

We know that many players prefer to use their smartphone to play poker while in a Zoom meeting. So we searched for the most smartphone-centric app that you can use. Easy Poker topped this category because it only focuses on providing the best poker experience for mobile users.

Why Is Easy Poker Perfect for You?

If you want to play with your friends on a smartphone and leave your laptop on to stay in the meeting, Easy Poker is the best platform. It doesn’t have too many features that unnecessarily clutters the interface. Easy Poker allows you to focus on your hands and chips, not on details that don’t really matter when playing.

How Do We Play Poker Against

What Can Easy Poker Do to Improve?

How To Play Poker Easy

Since they’re building a mobile-first poker platform, we can’t blame Easy Poker for having minimal customization features. However, just to make it a platform available for everyone, perhaps they can work on a desktop program that allows players to play on their laptop or desktop.


Playing online poker has gone from professionals-only to being available for casual games with friends. However, there are still a few things that they can do to improve, and one of these is the level of interaction. Whenever you’re playing with your friends on an online poker site, there’s really not that many options for you to interact with them.

How To Play Poker Video

Playing poker on Zoom has gained so much traction because it directly solves the need for better poker games. It allows you to play competitively with your friends, and it takes the games you play on a whole new level through real-time communication.